Yesterday I was interviewed by Roy Wallack for an article he is writing for Muscle & Fitness magazine; it's due to come out in January or February. The article's focus is the primal lifestyle and the momentum that is developing in mainstream America, in large part, due to Mark's book. Believe it or disregard it; love it or hate it; the primal way of thinking and the battle against conventional wisdom is stirring the pot in the world of health & fitness, fat loss, and overall well-being.
The Primal Blueprint
You could say that we've adapted to new 'foods', chemical laden experiments sold as food, and new food processing methods, but clearly the evidence shows that we've not only not adapted, but that we are not made to eat food discovered in a lab. Skyrocketing obesity rates (across all age groups); type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and various cancers are continuing to increase. And to top it all off, we are being kept alive with more chemicals sold in the form of pills and medicine. So I'll ask you, are we thriving – or just surviving?
So what can you expect from The Primal Blueprint
You wll meet Grok, the ancestor you never knew and Ken Korg, the guy next door. You'll also get 'The 10 Primal Blueprint Laws' - laws that clearly provide a map of Mark's philosophy to effortless weight loss and the develpment of a fitness god body. You'll find clear and concise explanations about the role of insulin and how to manipulate its role properly. Exercise is an important ally in living a healthy and disease-free life and Mark details his thoughts about lifting heavy things, sprinting, and chronic cardio. Any fitness book is obligated, but often doesnt' mention powerful health tools like omega-3s. No need to fret here, because Mark has that covered as well. Other topics covered include, but are not limited to: pharmaceuticals, supplements, legumes, nuts and berries, and the 80/20 rule. He'll finish by offering you a challenge: "What are you waiting for? Let's get Primal!"
Mark's prescription of real food and real fitness was exactly what I needed some 80 lbs ago and I'm guessing it's exactly what may need as well. You can read about my primal journey and I challenge you to start the journey today.
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